Year Five
I can hardly believe I’ve been a business owner for five years! It’s been an amazing and unexpected journey to say the least. When I started, I was just trying to make a change in my career. I had worked in a plethora of arenas and none of them really seemed to fit. I was always bored at work and resented being on someone else’s schedule. Some had their moments, but overall there was a serious disconnect between my passion for order and efficiency and the jobs I was getting.
Entrepreneurship has really invigorated my passion and my creativity which, to be honest, I had given up on. This year has been filled with new connections and opportunities, as well as a more focused direction for my company. The past five years have taught me so much. I’ve learned my value and my niche. I’m still learning how to say no to those borderline things (they’re tricky!), but am confident as I “stay in my lane” I’ll be proficient at identifying them faster and making the best choice. I’ve learned what I like to do and what I’m good at. I’ve learned that I don’t have to be able to do everything people ask me. I’ve learned to stop comparing myself to others. I’ve worked through imposter syndrome. I’ve taken ownership of my brand and subsequently, myself. I’m learning how to integrate my faith into my work better so I don’t feel like I’m missing part of myself when I’m working. I’m learning how to have an abundant mindset (which has nothing to do with money). I’m learning how to be a champion - which is about being consistent.
I’m grateful for all of the changes D.M. Watson Consulting has had over the past 5 years. In honor of my fifth year, I’ve refreshed my website. There are more changes to come as I learn more, experience more, and meet new people. I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years bring!